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Road To Recovery

When life doesn't happen as you hope

Welcome to Road To Recovery, my story about falling ill and what happens next.

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Back in the sun

After getting the nod to travel, I drove up to that there London on Thursday evening to stay with friends the night before my flight. I...

Up and down

Last week's news was all a bit shitty, and I have been on a bit of an emotional roller-coaster since, only really getting through it all...

Next steps

I had managed to block out of my mind the impending appointment with the oncologist, but by last night it was front and centre. Being a...

20 years, and other things

Since the last post, on the medical front the only pieces of news to report are 1) a follow-up/check-in call from the colorectal nursing...

Recovery continues

It has been a while since I last posted. I am glad to note it is because there has been little to report in terms of my condition....

Only when I laugh

I probably stayed awake way too long into the early hours of Thursday morning. After uploading the previous blog I started getting some...

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

After the support group on Friday I got a call advising there was some disagreement over the chemo plans, so they ordered more testing...

Meeting a new crowd

A friend of my wife had connected me with a cancer support group in Bath. He had done some work with them, and recommended the organisers...

I'll take a C please Bob.

So, a bit of a gap since the last post. Everything was looking towards this morning's appointment with the consultant to get the results...

Trying not to look

Tuesday brought a trip back to the hospital for another colonoscopy. It was all a bit less daunting than last time out, since fear of the...

Football, bloody hell.

After completing the last blog entry, it dawned on me that I skipped something from the Thursday before Easter. I received a message from...

Easter holidays

Easter started a day early for me, with the gift of a CT scan on the Thursday. We went back to the hospital first thing, and with a...

Waiting for the Man

Nothing to do with one of the tracks off the Velvet Underground's timeless, and brilliant, debut album, rather everything to do with this...

Hiking, the Big Cheese and Super Bob

On Monday I had picked up some cheap walking kit, given I was likely to be based in the countryside for some time. So, Tuesday morning, I...

Weekend diversions

Based on your point of view, Bristol City were founded in 1894, or 1897 or 1982. From then to present day, supporters have not exactly...

Back in the system

As minister of health in Labour's post-war government, Aneurin Bevan gave Britain the NHS in 1948, based on the 3 core premises 1) that...

The waiting game

Waiting to get news from the hospital is taking a mental toll on both me, and my wife. We both are keen to get things moving, whether...

Only thing we have to fear is fear itself

FDR used the line in his 1st inaugural address. Seems fairly apt for how I have been feeling in recent days. Monday was a particular low:...

Life trundles on

Friday gave me the diversion of England's opening game in their 2020 Euros campaign. Without getting too morbid here, I have followed...

Back under the knife

After being coaxed back off the ledge on Tuesday night, I went back to the hospital on Wednesday morning. It is a measure of my recent...

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